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Hot cocoa, delivered

Friday’s snowfall had me over at my mother’s to shovel her driveway, but she’d already gotten to most of it, so I shoveled the deck … but I still wanted to be outside — in the sun, in the snow, in the crisp air.

The community at Wolf River Lane has strengthened much in recent years and neighbors often help neighbors. I knew one woman had had surgery recently and was still not fully recovered and able to return to work or lift heavy items, so I walked a few houses down and started shoveling her driveway for her.

She popped her head out, thanked me and asked me if I wanted any water or hot cocoa. I almost said, “No, I’m good,” but then thoughts of hot cocoa started to sound rather appealing, so I opted for that.

“It’ll be with almond milk, is that ok?” she asked.

“SureI” I replied, as she disappeared into her house for a few minutes. Then, voilà!

Look at this delivery! Hot chocolate/cocoa (delish) with almond milk in a cute jar with a lid! It definitely kept me warm and energized even longer, and I was able to go on and help yet another neighbor with some shoveling.

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