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Raggin’ on other generations

Let us remember, or at least consider ... Each generation is an ARCHETYPE (there are only four). Each generation has a specific type of childhood during a specific type of era, or societal mood; each generation has its own experience of adult-generated deficiencies and excesses that it wants to balance and correct; each generation sees itself…

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Be kind

Life, I find, is just that much more interesting when you understand generational archetypes and where each of them is "located in time" now. I recently watched the new Cinderella movie (2015) and noticed right away how the story line/movie had been updated to be in cultural alignment to the archetypal temperaments of the 18-and-under, After-the-Millennials…

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The old must die

I cannot recommend, encourage or hope enough that you read The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End. Soon. Now. Read it. Listen to it. (I love the audiobook version.) Big changes are afoot. Even bigger changes are a'comin'. Things will be hard. Harder than hard.…

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When you lose the Xers …

I saw an article earlier today about ageism at work in which the author spoke about how companies lose that built-in wisdom and know-how when it leans favorably toward hiring younger workers over older workers. I agree. Though I'd add the problem is equally, if not more so, generational. As companies bring on more Millennials, who are great…

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I fell for a scam yesterday. I realized I'd done so minutes after it happened, contacted PayPal right away, and they refunded my money. The scam was promoted in an ad on Facebook. It's a site selling reduced-cost USPS forever stamps that are a few years old under the guise of clearing out old inventory. It sure…

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The not-so-secret ingredient

I know there is much celebration and delight in the whole Brussels sprouts plus bacon plus balsamic vinegar recipe realm; and I like that, too. For starters, I do enjoy many in the brassica family of vegetables--cabbage, cauliflower, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and rutabagas. (What an under-appreciated root vegetable rutabagas currently are.) Then there's the bacon. I…

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