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Memory Lane with mom

Awww. Here’s me and my mom, Eileen. Back in the early days of my prior contra-dance obsession, at one of the themed balls (mid-aughts).

Hah! I still have that gown, and I still wear it (including this past NYE), and it still is absolutely fabulous. (That gold stuff is a theme-related accessory of some sort; the gown is quite simple.)

Contra dance helped me, a lot. It helped me rebalance myself after a marriage where I lost myself and became quite unbalanced and less-me.

Contra dance, fwiw, is easy to learn, fun, welcoming and a bit nerdy. But fun! And good exercise. You don’t need to show up with a partner, if you’ve ever wanted to try it out. Just go! People will ask you to dance and help teach you the moves.

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