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Meet me for a drink?

Yesterday, while out erranding or whatever, I passed a Starbucks and had a flash vision of future possibilities; it’s this:

I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if in the next 5-8 years select (to start) Starbucks started staying open much later (almost like a bar), and were redesigned for a more chill/hangout/gather place serving the soon-to-be-rising generation of young adults as a relatively wholesome and safe (no alcohol … well, maybe they’ll have beer and wine) environment.

I see evening poetry readings, individual musicians playing and young people (late teens, early 20s) coming to gather and be together.

Generations shift. Desires shift. Society shifts.

The generation currently 19-and-Under is the Artist archetype, the keep-your-head-down-and-record-clean generation. The greatest poets, singers and songwriters, playwrights and more of the times. They’re still the generation in childhood, but the top end of them will begin coming of age in a handful of years, and as they do, everything will change. (Because ALL the four generations will be moving up a notch into the next phase of life around the same time … that’s why the change is always so big.)

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