I know such things said after the fact can be in the "yeah, yeah, sure, whatever" category, but I will say it now:
When now-Prime Minister Musk first bought Twitter, I had this moment…
I love everything about this video, this message, this PSA, this public-health information and this call to action. Everything.
What a world we live in now that a child/teen can be the carrier of…
What a world, what a world, when the custom-color options for a range/stove are such!
I've seen these images before, these well-preserved cave paintings from some 35,000 years ago, in Chauvet Pont d'Arc caves and grottos in France.
And, each time I see them, I am so touched.
These walls…
You must hold this truth at all times:
The ONLY truth that is true for a narcissist is their truth.
To listen to Trump speak, and not understand that he is, first and foremost, ever…
Narcissists can never be held to facts, for only Their Truth, as they define it, matters.
"We will be a nation of meritocracy," he says in his speech today, the world's cameras upon him.
Together, these seven mega-regions comprise 52.8% of the United States' population.
I live in one of them.
It has begun: the annual search for a paper calendar-planner which,
-- I think I'll use,
-- I envision as integral to some future life organization,
-- I hope will somehow make / help me be…
If y'all want any proof Elon, The Mighty & Wonderful, is using Twitter for his own machinations, here are the account names of my current "For You" feed (the default on twitterx), exactly…
Ya know, nothing like having the opening of the Democratic National Convention on a full moon -- no less, a super and a blue moon. I mean, if you're gonna do it, do…
Yesterday, while out erranding or whatever, I passed a Starbucks and had a flash vision of future possibilities; it's this:
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if in the next 5-8 years select…
This photo.
A makeshift hospital for treating wounded soldiers after the Battle of Antietam.
It's good, I think, to remember what we have, even when we don't feel like our lives are going as smoothly…