If y’all want any proof Elon, The Mighty & Wonderful, is using Twitter for his own machinations, here are the account names of my current “For You” feed (the default on twitterx), exactly as they are:
- Elon Mush – name typo, but I’m leaving it
- JD Vance
- Bryce Lipscomb – A MaHa-er (make amerikuh healthy again) RFKJr/DJT fan
- Elon Musk / Mush (again)
- The Heritage Foundation
- Dinesh D’Souza (his “about” on google says “an American right-wing political commentator, conspiracy theorist” – yay, whatever)
- Megan Kelly (lovin’ on Hegsmeth) – name typo, but I’m leaving it
- JustPostingLS (pedophilia worries about all sorts of folk)
FWIW, my “follow” list would not have, ever, an algorithm choose such accounts to show me unless … unless … the Maga-Muck load dump into my feed was intentional, which is rather manipulative and misuse of power.
Too bad there won’t be any government oversight to rein him in.
I wasn’t all yippee-aye-aye about BlueSky at first, but now I am.
Whom to follow? Recommendations?