Someone took one! Yay!
Ever since my sister Rebecca showed me years ago how incredibly easy, quick and simple it was to make your own homemade salves and balms, I’ve made some batches here and there.
This year I thought it would be nice to gift a little tin of balm to the various Amazon, USPS, UPS and occasional DHL drivers who deliver packages to my home. I felt a particular desire to do this because all of my ingredients and the tins I purchased online, and the drivers/deliverers are part of the ecosystem that makes it possible for me to get such items that were once obscure and hard to find.
So I made this little sign and put out a few tins of balm, and when I came home this evening I had both a package at my front door and one fewer tin. 🙂
This balm recipe I made was a combination of —
– beeswax (key)
– shea butter
– mango butter
– coconut oil
– olive oil
and maybe something else I might have melted in the double boiler along the way.