Many people say such things as “I can’t wear yellow.”
And that just ain’t true.
You need to know which yellow you “get” in your seasonal color palette. For example, I’m a soft, smoky, rosy, cool “summer,” and I get one yellow: primrose. Cool winters, who shine in the clear, bright, vivid and icy colors, get one yellow: an acid yellow.
But the springs and the autumns, which are both warm-color palettes, get gobs of yellows. You can check out this post from Flourishing Style to see which yellows will harmonize with your skin and your season.
a gift of life-long value
Looking for an extraordinary, super-helpful, keeps-on-giving-for-the-rest-of-their-lives type of gift? Gift someone a color analysis with a House of Colour color analyst. Heads up: sessions need to be done in person and in day light.
My experience? Such a door opener! (And door closer!)
Sometimes having fewer choices allows for more choices. And when all (or darn near most) of the colors in your wardrobe harmonize, it’s astounding how many more outfits and options you actually have.
I am incredibly grateful to Melany Carlos of House of Colour, Arlington for her insights and support. I #highlyrecommend 1) Melany, 2) the process and 3) House of Colour’s system.
And, fwiw, summers and winters can’t wear orange, so, yeah, there are some colors some seasons can’t wear.
And while I’m at it, only winters “get” black and dark charcoals, so many of y’all might want to re-examine the amount of black in your wardrobes. (Just sayin’.)