While there are many hundreds of camps offering a near-endless variety of experiences, gifts, fun, food, art and adventure at Burning Man, there are certain camps that are legendary. The Costco Soulmate Trading Camp--Co(stco) S(oulmate) T(rading) O(utlet) camp, or Costco as it is lovingly and facetiously called for short--is one of them.
In the five prior…
There are moments in life when you discover things about yourself.
And others.
Back in the day, I was the theme camp organizer for a lovely group of people at Burning Man (More Carrot, or the Carrots. we were), and we brought a farmers' market gifting fresh produce to people at the event, though that detail isn't…
That time I went to Burning Man early for Build Week, camped for a short while at the edge of the city at K street, and woke early to walk farther out and watch the start of a new day.
Black Rock Desert: what a glorious, unlike-any-other place.
Photo of me, above, by Charlie Dayburn. Photo below…