Yet another reason to love living in Maryland!
Maryland is a cult, not a state. (That's the name of a FB group, and I rather like it.)
Kudos to the creator (lower case C).
I had heard some time ago that old mountains (and in mountain years, that's a lot of years, centuries, millennia and aeons) are lower in elevation, eroded and rounded while new mountains tend…
For those concerned and/or interested, you can count the Columbia Newburns in for having killed at least 50 adult spotted lantern flies -- a prolific breeder and invasive-as-heck bug -- in the last…
I don't know where your domicile resides, nor the specifics of its elevation, whether you have western-facing exterior walls, or whatever other details are relevant to your home's location.
BUT, over where I live…
This is a rather after-the-event post, but, my goodness! Did anyone else in the area see the lightning show Monday night? TEAL! Pink! Blues, of course. But much teal! Lots and lots…
Now, that's a proper start to a Maryland spring: rain, rain, rain, rain, rain.
I love seasons, seasonal change and the cycles of nature.
These past few days following February 2 and the midpoint between winter and spring have been lovely.
There's a SOUND to the post-Feb-2nd air: The…
You may not give it much thought, but there is so much involved in getting those perfectly-shaped, blemish-free, robust-looking veggies to the store.
I know because they rarely emerge from the garden.
How cool is this?
A neighbor edged their grass near where a municipal tree had been removed the year prior.
And then this happened!
Apparently, it's a term, a word, an acronym that has been around for awhile, though it's one I only heard for the first time last night at a party of mostly Burners-not-at-Burning-Man who…
I was weeding, "edging" by hand the encroaching grass around the fig tree at my mom's place, when a toad hopped out from where I was working. I paused. It paused. Toads have…
I love ants!
I don't necessarily want them in my home, 'course, but they are quite the creatures, are they not?
I was in Costa Rica recently and found myself mesmerized with these leaf-cutter ants.…