I grew up with a set of vocabulary cards from the early '60s. Still have them. Here's a gem. A very anachronistic gem.
It's "Hammer," and you'd think if someone was going to make a sign and go through the hassle of actually vandalizing stop signs as this person has done, they'd have checked the spelling,…
Not that it is at the moment, but, oh, how I ever so love listening/dancing/grooving to this song.
And then there's this beaut. Eternal thanks to the inter-webs and various and sundry individual's art…
I've always been a fan of coming-of-age stories, and I enjoy reading them and other young-adult fiction. And, well, I rather like a super-hero/chosen-one type of story, too.
So, some years ago, after hearing…
This made me cry.
My heart swelled with the kindness offered Dutch shoppers, particularly, though by no means exclusively, to elderly people who want to chat, have a bit of a conversation and not…
My mom and I went for a walk yesterday, 'round Wilde Lake. It was a lovely day. The last day of the year. Gloriously warm and sunny, in the mid-50s. A fine day…
I'm not much of one for the fast-food experience: long lines, food that feels good going in but rarely feels as good an hour or two later, and prices that have me preferring…
I love the whole super-hero genre of films and TV series. Not the actual print comics, per se, and not the animated stuff, but the films, the movies, the one with humans, metas…
It's not often a child actor transitions well to a successful acting career as an adult, but Harry Melling has, imo, done so brilliantly ... and unexpectedly.
I didn't even RECOGNIZE Dudley Dursley of…
I love the Interwebs. I love the Omeleto movies. Some are more fabulous than others. This one was adorable.
Such a wacky world: finding the same products -- the exact same products -- sold online for wildly different prices; having to figure out if Amazon's jacked-pricing is a better deal than going…
A New York Times article addressed how “everything is for sale,” and it was looking at how celebrities are marketing their brand, among other subjects.
Who knew? Who knew? Who knew That it was…