There are times when I wonder why the simple logic of things so basic, obvious and apparent to me in their need are not yet apparent to those who can make such things…
Who are we to say when it is, or isn't, someone's time to go? Who are we to say we know how someone should or shouldn't exit this world? And who are we…
To all of my GenX friends here, it’s time to become — to acknowledge ourselves as — leaders. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a leader in politics on an issue of local national or international concern; if…
I wouldn’t put yellow in my top 10–or even 20–favorite colors. Probably not even in my top 30, if I were ever to explore what I might put on such a list. In…
When I stopped drinking coffee daily (and ritually, and religiously, and lovingly, and dependently, and, and, and ...), I began developing a hyper-awareness to the drug that is caffeine.
Even now, this morning, I…
I closed out the year by doing a ceremony with the entheogenic grandmother medicine, known as ayauhausca, followed by another entheogen: frog medicine, or Kambo. Both have purgative qualities, the frog medicine much more so than…
Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies ever. For me, it has been one of the greatest messages from God/Mr. Everything/The Absoluteness That Is that I’ve ever received. Let me explain what I…
If I understand things correctly, the State of Maryland is well on its way to joining the ranks of Hands-free Cel Phone Use While Driving states. Yeah, I get it. Lots of stats.…
I’m all for the USPS cutting a day of delivery service to reduce expenses. Personally, I think for $.44, having a piece of mail picked up from my home and delivered straight to…
News of the WMATA Red Line metro crash yesterday made me stop. I was headed out when I heard the first bit about the crash. I felt shaken, and I needed to talk…
I just came in from doing one of my favorite household chores: hanging freshly laundered clothes on the outside line to dry. I love being outside, in the sun, with a gentle breeze…
I’ve just come from a mild version of Burning Man, the east coast event called Playa del Fuego. It was my first such event, and I generally find Burners my kind of people. It was…