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My Thoughts


Found. A Barbie Doll tucked into a fence at the Long Reach garden plot. What the heck! Art? A political statement? A lost-and-found. I don't know. Probably never will. Such is the randomness…


Hah! Arrived home from this-ing and that-ing just in time to catch the tail end of my community's potluck gathering  at the gazebo. Everyone had eaten their full, and I was encouraged to…

That’s Keny!

I swear: I was just doing a wee bit of grocery shopping. But then all this other stuff happened. I was at Whole Foods Friday afternoon, where--of late--I've been buying organic pork sausage on the…


Worth every minute of the labor to make this happen! From rusty and crusty to gorgeous and ready for cooking! Read up on the process, watched a video or two; made it happen.

Gonna miss ’em

In general, I'd rather ignore a TV show until it's played out, all seasons are done, rumors of a sequel have been squashed, and I can now binge-watch with wild abandon. That's just…