I purchased a new bike a few weeks ago--a black one, but I returned it and got a different one.
After purchasing the initial black bike, the store owner was helping me 1) get…
In 2010, I had an accounting-firm client whose business had been purchased by a much larger and international accounting firm. In many ways, the sale was a good thing for them, but with…
I love this time of year.
I love watching the Earth — and all her pieces — wake up, emerge. I love seeing that which was dead, transformed to become something anew.
An oldie but a goodie. Basics, man. Basics!
A Common Sense Guide to Email Etiquette
I've become so incredibly good at flying in my (mostly lucid) dreams, and this flying has become such a common activity of late that earlier today I had to catch myself, realizing those…
Well, that's one way to get top billing in the Yellow Pages and a way to get attention, roadside. #Dallas
Making a smoothie for me is honing the art of my intuitive voice. The smoothies I make develop as each ingredient “comes to me,” to speak in such language. Good smoothies are the…