I had a time in my life when I spent my days intimately involved with a small group of people who were utterly and completely dedicated to personal development and understanding--best folks could--the…
I’ve gone through different periods in my life where the fear and claustrophobia of being in a cave overwhelmed me. It wasn’t just fear around caves, per se, but having to crawl through…
An app development company was running up against the same issue repeatedly with some customers not understanding the development process and why the first stage--the initial discovery phase--of the project was critical for…
My passenger is one minute away, though it takes me a little longer to get there. I wait. I call her. Lyft doesn’t have a text service for drivers and passengers to connect…
One of my Uber Chronicles stories.
I pick up a young guy from his job at a nearby fast-casual restaurant. He’s a junior in high school (the same school I attended).…
I closed out the year by doing a ceremony with the entheogenic grandmother medicine, known as ayauhausca, followed by another entheogen: frog medicine, or Kambo. Both have purgative qualities, the frog medicine much more so than…
OK, who is familiar with the fictional works of Caleb Carr , a brilliant writer? A couple of decades ago, I read a handful of his Victorian era books (The Alieniest, then came…