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It’s a cycle

Just finished my third listen of Neil Howe's The Fourth Turning is Here. OMG, OMG, OMG. The sense this man makes. Here's a bit from the tail end of his book, in which he reminds us how each generation (each of which is a specific archetype) contributes perfectly to Society. Without the Hero (…

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Don't you just love a good citizen patrol? Especially when one involves urban-dwelling dogs, (the Ratscallions) and their owners as they take their dogs rat hunting in particularly invested areas in NW DC, especially AdMo? Urban dog owners and rat hunting in D.C. Who knew it was a thing? Apparently, it is. Or is becoming more…

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Just doing their job

The #GenX generation, by its archetypal nature and location in history, is an under-protected, under-acknowledged and under-appreciated generation. And that's okay. Gen Xers are a survivalist generation more focused on, well, survival, the physical world and their small band of tribe than they are on government, the collective and teams. They are also the "dirty jobs"…

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I started hearing about/reading about shrubs a couple-few years ago. These are a pre-canning, pre-refrigeration way of "putting up" excess fruits (and some vegetables) from the farm or garden, mostly by way of mashing, adding sugar, letting things sit a bit then straining the fruit out, adding vinegar and--voilà--you now have a fairly shelf-stable, ready-to-use,…

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JOMO. Apparently, it's a term, a word, an acronym that has been around for awhile, though it's one I only heard for the first time last night at a party of mostly Burners-not-at-Burning-Man who had gathered--as happens often--on "Burn Night" (the last Saturday during Burning Man when The Man burns). JOMO is the JOY of Missing…

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A bigger world

First, to all of you who wrote on my Facebook timeline or sent me messages on my birthday, thank you! It's wonderful and overwhelming at the same time.   As one who spent years (decades) under-celebrating her life, hiding in group photos, twisting my priorities to put other's needs before my own, and basically trying…

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