A tweeted @NPRnews article headline caught my eye the other day. Gotchya! Elephant Caught Cheating. It was meant “to catch” me, and it was successful. As I read the story about a young female elephant…
Groundhog Day is one of my favorite movies ever. For me, it has been one of the greatest messages from God/Mr. Everything/The Absoluteness That Is that I’ve ever received. Let me explain what I…
I've been in San Francisco bunches this year, and as such, have been around quite a few panhandlers. Earlier today, I was approached by a maybe-homeless-definitely-panhandling woman.
She was friendly. She nodded at…
I’ve always loved marketing and communications. Even as a kid, I was fascinated by messaging, by what worked and didn’t. And, over the years, I’ve come to understand and believe that the profession…
Simple from the outside. And relatively simple to make, this beet recipe has been my favorite way to eat beets ever since I was turned on to it. I’ve even brought this dish…
Last year, when I asked my mother what she wanted for Mother’s Day, she told me she wanted “the Facebook thing.” And so it was. I helped her set up “the Facebook thing.”…
If I understand things correctly, the State of Maryland is well on its way to joining the ranks of Hands-free Cel Phone Use While Driving states. Yeah, I get it. Lots of stats.…
My iPhone was snatched out of my hands. Stolen yesterday. I was on a MUNI train in San Francisco. I was helping an older gentleman next to me find some information online and…
As much as I’m not a practitioner of new year’s resolutions, I can understand them. And, I’m betting, a ton of folk have added to their list of resolutions for 2010, “Quit Smoking.”
I’d like to…
It was a moment I couldn’t pass up. Traipsing through DC with a few hundred Santas, we’d just left the Lincoln Memorial and were en route to the White House when I saw…
I didn’t expect to be so taken. I didn’t expect to have such a deep response. I didn’t expect much of anything, really.
See, I volunteered recently to help make yarn wigs for…
Few words I have for this right now. Dancing with light via Lorne’s Electric Heliotrope Theater was one of the most … well, watch the video and imagine how exquisite the experience probably…