Some friends and I have decided to do a spring cleanse and detox. This is not my first rodeo, as They say, but it is theirs. I’ve done quite a few cleanses over…
Burning Man MOOP map, 2006 – 2013
Burning Man is the world’s largest Leave No Trace (LNT) event. Each year, after the attendees depart and go back home, a crew of people…
That time I went to Burning Man early for Build Week, camped for a short while at the edge of the city at K street, and woke early to walk farther out and…
Were people to truly understand that tens if not hundreds or thousands of pounds of food were being wasted each year in communities across the nation, there would probably be some sort of…
I’m a big fan of wild foraging, wild edibles and — especially through the eyes of my mostly suburban existence — free food in my yard and along the pathways where I walk.…
There is much talk of dust at, about and around Burning Man. As there should be. Burning Man and dust go hand in hand. But note the word; it’s “dust,” not “dirt.” Dust,…
I do believe, that in each of us — and in the human experience — is hardwired the joy of giving. And receiving.
Giving is an interesting thing in that in order for a…