If I understand things correctly, the State of Maryland is well on its way to joining the ranks of Hands-free Cel Phone Use While Driving states. Yeah, I get it. Lots of stats.…
My iPhone was snatched out of my hands. Stolen yesterday. I was on a MUNI train in San Francisco. I was helping an older gentleman next to me find some information online and…
As much as I’m not a practitioner of new year’s resolutions, I can understand them. And, I’m betting, a ton of folk have added to their list of resolutions for 2010, “Quit Smoking.”
I’d like to…
It was a moment I couldn’t pass up. Traipsing through DC with a few hundred Santas, we’d just left the Lincoln Memorial and were en route to the White House when I saw…
I didn’t expect to be so taken. I didn’t expect to have such a deep response. I didn’t expect much of anything, really.
See, I volunteered recently to help make yarn wigs for…
Few words I have for this right now. Dancing with light via Lorne’s Electric Heliotrope Theater was one of the most … well, watch the video and imagine how exquisite the experience probably…
I’m all for the USPS cutting a day of delivery service to reduce expenses. Personally, I think for $.44, having a piece of mail picked up from my home and delivered straight to…