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Bolting endive. Yes, it's hot outside. The cool-weather greens stand not a chance. Their season has ended; time for the summer fruits and vegetables to begin to mature and ripen. How I love the…


There was a time in my life when I spent many hours each month in the presence of pigs. Big pigs, little pigs. Momma pigs and daddy pigs. Sibling pigs. Pigs in packs.…

Caught my eye

What an odd site to come upon: a recently dead bluejay on the side of the road. I'm guessing it was hit by a car or truck and killed, but, then again, I'm…

Greens, Eggs, No Ham

This simple meal keeps me sustained. It’s my go-to meal/snack, morning, noon or night when I needed something quick, tasty and nutritious. Here’s the simplest version of what I make, and, as you…

Not in Kansas anymore

Moons back, when I was in my late 20s, my brother and sister were both teaching in Namibia, and my mother--in an expression of largesse and adventure--offered to cover the expenses for the…

No wrong turns

I had one of those things happen today. I was running some errands in Takoma Park and felt a need to get home, though I didn't have anything I had to do at any…

Style, an inside game

An image of this particular woman pops into my head every once in awhile. She's about 5' 7", short hair, long flowing pants, wedge shoes, a cute top, and she looked like a…

Mind, blown

Back when I was in high school, my family took a trip to visit my grandparents in San Diego. We went during the extended Christmas vacation time (that's what it was called back…

Fallen fruit

Decades back in a chapter of my life lived long ago, our family was visiting my father's parents in the San Diego area. Escondido to be specific, though I'm not sure that's a…