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A second date?

One of my Uber Chronicles stories. Next up, I’m headed to an upscale restaurant in an upscale part of northern Baltimore City. Here, the streets are all recently paved and marked…

Hey, Jude!

There are moments in life that are just meant to be. Here's one of them. When I was 20, I moved to San Francisco ... without a lick of help--in any manner--from my parents,…

A drug-dealer’s lackey?

There was a time--a very specific time--in my life when I almost became a drug dealer's lackey. Spoiler alert: I didn't, but how I found myself facing this decision -- to be, or not…

Mesmerized by a mouthy bird

I, unexpectedly, spent an unexpected amount of time watching--and listening to--this unexpectedly fascinating series of videos of a rescued-at-10-days-old starling bird (now eight years old, I believe) and his vocalizations. Fascinating. Starlings have mimicking…

Sexy sounds

I've been doing some "inventorying" of my life: going back, looking back, making lists. Where did I live when? Where did I work, when? What pets did I have? What drugs have I…


I love how Martha Stewart has emerged from her "fall from grace" and reinvented herself in way that embraces her experience. She has transformed to a whole new level, which includes a bit…

I will survive!

Back, back, back in the days of early cable internet and faster-than-dial-up connection--and almost a decade before YouTube--I came across this animated, creative, delightful and giggle-inducing version of Gloria Gaynor's amazing song, I…

Yes, yes, yes!

Oh, Grogu! How fortunate are we to live in an era of such wonderful entertainment, story-telling, creativity, fun and adventure. What brilliance in combining The Mandalorian with a baby Jedi such as Grogu. The…

First try

I made, earlier this afternoon, some lilac simple syrup. Seemed a lovely idea. Lilacs are in season. Simple syrups are insanely quick and easy to make. And floral hints in drinks, punches and…


I just re-acquired that college standard, Strunk & White's "The Elements of Style." In reading the latest version with a new foreword, I have discovered something wonderful: E.B. White (of the Strunk &…