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My puppy!

I was planning on paying for my gas with cash. This is not a normal thing for me. I’m a debit card gal all the way. But today and minutes earlier, I'd sat…

Garden plot fashion scene

When I go to my community garden plot, and I'm selecting what clothes to wear, my decision-making process in my head sounds pretty much like this: "What are the crappiest jeans or shorts…

One more day

I've come to understand I'm a seasonal person, and I have a seasonal personality. Today, as I attempt to keep at bay a fatigue that's making me want to buckle at the knees, I…


Incredibly weepy this morning when I was helping my mom put up her Christmas tree today. Not like I have lots of sweet, easily recalled, Hollywood-like memories of my dad at Christmas. (My…

A true gentleman

There is a gentle man who comes through the neighborhood where I live. He does this each year in the fall, like clockwork, offering to clean leaves out of gutters and do minor patches on…

He’s got a gal

One of my Uber Chronicles stories. Next up, I’m wandering through a mess of a mall parking lot trying to find my rider. My GPS is telling me to turn right,…

THIS is Burning Man!

While the interwebs are filled with photos of glamorous, hot, sexy, booty-short-wearing women (and men) at #BurningMan… women with inexplicably clean hair, with boots they couldn’t walk more than 20 yards in (and never…