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Every year

I don't know where your domicile resides, nor the specifics of its elevation, whether you have western-facing exterior walls, or whatever other details are relevant to your home's location. BUT, over where I live…

Rollin’ in

Thanks for all the birthday wishes the other day, especially over on Facebook! I had a most lovely handful of birthday-days ... a sweet gathering and meal with my family, a day-trip to Rehoboth…

A masterpiece

I am the maker of many-things-dehydrated. I am the maker of cowboy candy, which I find incredibly delicious and zingy. I am the maker of soaked walnuts and other soaked nuts, though there…

A more sharing world

Oh, you young 'uns have no idea of the mess young GenXers encountered in the world -- and work world, particularly in the lack of shared knowledge and information management they encountered as…

The One – Boomers

Each generational type (there are four) has a date with destiny that is its own, and for which it is uniquely and perfectly formed. Each generation also goes through the four phases of…