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Say it isn’t so!

Oh, oh, oh! The day I thought would never -- could never! -- come might be upon us. Our beloved Vitamix, in service -- in regular, ongoing, handle-it-all service -- some 30 years, is fritzing…

My annual quest

It has begun: the annual search for a paper calendar-planner which, -- I think I'll use, -- I envision as integral to some future life organization, -- I hope will somehow make / help me be…

Crossing paths

There's a person -- a guy, my age-ish, married with kids, nice-looking, smart, dry humor -- whom I run into a lot. We have an "Oh, hey, nice to see you," micro-conversation relationship…

Yet another list!

Columbia, Maryland -- the non-city-place-area-mega-HOA that gets ranked in the top tiers on so, so many national lists -- has now made top ranking in yet another list: one of the worst places…

Beware, the easy solution

All y'alls relying on AI for writing support and spellcheck functions, tread carefully. For the past several years I've been perplexed by the odd spellcheck and grammar suggestions Google Docs and other editing…

Shocked! (jk)

If y'all want any proof Elon, The Mighty & Wonderful, is using Twitter for his own machinations, here are the account names of my current "For You"  feed (the default on twitterx), exactly…


Just saw "Super/Man" with my mom at the East Branch Library / Senior Center. (Free movie nights on Thursdays.) Amazing story, lovely tribute, what a hero, what a destiny.

Old as the hills

I had heard some time ago that old mountains (and in mountain years, that's a lot of years, centuries, millennia and aeons) are lower in elevation, eroded and rounded while new mountains tend…

A picture emerges

If there is one thing that has continued to be true about my life, it's how much my life keeps surprising and delighting me. Years ago when my father bought Buffalo Gap Retreat…

Doin’ our part

For those concerned and/or interested, you can count the Columbia Newburns in for having killed at least 50 adult spotted lantern flies -- a prolific breeder and invasive-as-heck bug -- in the last…