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Gooey goodness

My, my, my!   In my attempts to make some jalapeño simple syrup (which I've made before and is quite easy to make), I had put some sugar, water and jalapeños on…


In 2013, I took the advice of someone I'd met on Facebook and had known but a few weeks (Charlie), and I went out to Burning Man a week early for what is…


The amount of time I spend salivating over the various color options for Pentel's Energel pens is something! I love the teal, the burgundy and the steel blue. I love the purple and…

Beyond random

Recently, I was over at my mom's place for dinner. We were chatting about this and that. (Admittedly, I've been plying her, of late, for more details about her childhood and younger years…

In from the cold

It's snowing outside. Little specks and flecks. Not much volume or thickness, but it's snow, and it's pretty outside, and it's the MLK holiday, to boot, and, well, I wanted to go outside…

Sequence matters

The order in which things are said, done or occur matters in many instances and in others, not at all. It matters, for example, whether I put the oil in the saucepan and heat…

So cozy and warm

As winter sets in and temperatures drop, being warm and cozy starts to climb higher on my list of priorities. Despite layering myself in warm wools for sleep (wool socks for sure, a worn…

It ain’t always pretty

You may not give it much thought, but there is so much involved in getting those perfectly-shaped, blemish-free, robust-looking veggies to the store. I know because they rarely emerge from the garden. As…

Ever so deserving

When my father died a few years ago and left a muddled and messy estate behind, we desperately needed an estate lawyer. As the estates's personal representative, I asked a lawyer whose opinion…