There is a mega-echo-chamber blerg of info about Boomer and Xer dates, and it's this: Boomers are born 1946-1964 because, well, there were lots of babies after WWII and then there was this…
Some folk be getting all bent outta shape with talk of cyclical patterns and eras based on generations. It feels too woo-woo, too much like astrology, too much like someone tellin' 'em what…
I find this phenomenon so unnecessary and illogical.
I've been watching the TV series #Succession. In the opening sequence for each show, images of the four Roy children are shown as looking to be,…
Reposting this here for my own memory as well. Something I just wrote in response to someone's comment (on a FB group for Gen X) about the 1961-1964 cohort (the early-wave Xers, not…
When we speak of the wholesale societal neglect GenX children experienced, it's important to understand it was ... well, wholesale ... full, complete, society-wide and institutional.
From a WaPo article about children now riding…
I'm not nearly hip enough to even recognize a fraction of these music types, but take a look at what Kanwar Ranvir Singh of the UK created about GenX and their music contributions.…
Modern societies have an underlying trend that goes in about 20-year cycles regarding gender distinctions in young adulthood, particularly noted in dress. Hints of the coming shift are seen as a new generation…
I find history so much more interesting when generational archetypes are overlayed on top. I was just reading an article about Caleb Carr's death. (I loved "The Alienist" and "Killing Time.")
The article mentioned,…
Yesterday, while out erranding or whatever, I passed a Starbucks and had a flash vision of future possibilities; it's this:
I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if in the next 5-8 years select…
GenXers'-- the most under-protected (to the point of neglect) generation of the four generational archetypes-- bore the full weight and burden of the teen sexploitation film/ad/industry trend.
Says this current article --
"The actress (Brooke…
Each generational archetype has its societal elites.
Values-focused Boomers provide the nation's CULTURAL elites.
Survival-focused Xers comprise the nation's primary BUSINESS elites.
Team-focused Millennials will, as they move into midlife and elderhood, become the POWER elites.
Life, I find, is just that much more interesting when you understand generational archetypes and where each of them is "located in time" now.
I recently watched the new Cinderella movie (2015) and noticed…